Word count : min. 70 words
Hi boys and girls! Are you spending good hildays?
Here are my questions for you (they will be the base for in-class discussion and reading exercise)
What do you want to be later (job) ? Why (2 reasons)?
What don't you want to be (job) ? Why (2 reasons)?
A student's routine and your parents' routine: do they look like each other? Are they similar? Yes, no, why? What is similar/ different? (2 elements)
Watch out : write a short text, don't forget to include some connectors (then, first, later, but, because, finally,...)
Good luck!
Don't forget, do it seriously ...one extra mark is at stake !
And for the first who posts a comment ... 2 extra marks!
Photo Credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/57567419@N00/7496765660/">SalFalko</a> via <a href="http://compfight.com">Compfight</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/">cc</a>