Thursday, 31 October 2013

4 GT: Jobs


Word count : min. 70 words

Hi boys and girls! Are you spending good hildays?

Here are my questions for you (they will be the base for in-class discussion and reading exercise)

What do you want to be later (job) ? Why (2 reasons)?
What don't you want to be (job) ? Why (2 reasons)?
A student's routine and your parents' routine: do they look like each other? Are they similar? Yes, no, why? What is similar/ different? (2 elements)

Watch out : write a short text, don't forget to include some connectors (then, first, later, but, because, finally,...)

 Good luck!
Don't forget, do it seriously extra mark is at stake !
And for the first who posts a comment ... 2 extra marks!

Photo Credit: <a href="">SalFalko</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Friday, 18 October 2013

4 GT : Phonetics

| də ju ɔːl ˌʌndəˈstænd ðɪs | ðə ˈfɜːst huː faɪndz ˈwɒt ðɪs ˈmesɪdʒ ɪz əˈbaʊt wl̩ ˈɡet ə səˈpraɪz ɒn ˈmʌndeɪ ɔː ˈtjuːzdi | ðə trænsˈleɪʃn̩ ˈɪntə ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ məst bi kəˈrekt |
ˈsiː ju suːn |

:) :) :)

Saturday, 12 October 2013

6 GT: Baby George

Have a look at this ... 

to newsjack : to hijack some news (détourner)

Were you aware that the royal baby had been used as a marketing strategy?
What is your opinion about it?
Do you think these brands are going too far? Are they entering the royal family's privacy?
Would you like to be as famous as they are and see pictures or representations of yourself nearly everywhere (ads, tv, newspapers, twitter, ...) ?

And which of these do you prefer? Why?

See you on Monday :)
--> all you write here could be useful in the test we'll have on Monday ;)

5 GT: Giving tips for visitors from abroad

I'm just quoting here :)

"Don't be ashamed of your clothes
- You must wear typical Belgian clothes as trainers, tracksuit, ..." 
How to survive in Belgium
- You must like villages because cities are very rare in this country"

So, this is the way you see Belgium ... I'm disappointed ! Or maybe you're talking about a particular place?

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

4 GT : Extra exercises

If you want some extra exercises to get ready for tomorrow ...

5 GT : Cake, failed !

This time if you don't say anything ... I promise I'll cry!

My failed attempt to use Naïs'plums in a cake ... SUCH A MESS !!!

5 GT: Do I bring it tomorrow anyway?  Would you dare eating it?


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

5 GT: Apple and other brands

Does your smartphone really reflects your personality? 
Don't you think such arguments are just a way to make people want a new mobile? 
Which operating system do you use, adroid or apple? Which one do you prefer?

Please guys,  I see you are reading these pages, so please, write a comment :) 
We'll talk about this tomorrow.

See you

Monday, 7 October 2013

4 GTC : Do they all believe students are trolls???

Thanks to my dear students for helping me improving my Internet slang vocabulary !

Troll (Internet)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtrl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally[3][4] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[5] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[6]
This sense of the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, but have been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with online harassment. For example, mass media has used troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."[7][8]

6 GT: Manet's Olympia

Talking about paintings...

Watch this video

Why did people find this painting outrageous at that time? Do you still beleive that the artist went too far? Do you think the interpretation the journalist gives is correct, or does he exaggerate a bit? How do you feel when you look at it?

We'll talk about this tomorrow but feel free to leave any comment ;)

5 GT: Home rules

6988609945_4d397fc39aHi guys! 

You think you parents are strict
Read this article, especially the rules (from 1 to 15). 
Are there any rules that you must also follow at home? 
Are there any that you find crazy ? 
Do you think rules are somehow necessary (at school, at home?) ?
Is there any rule that you must follow but find absolutely stupid? 

I look forward to reading your comments! 

to have friends over (invite friends)
pg : parental guiding (les petits logos -12, -18) 

(Photo Credit: <a href="">courosa</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>)

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

4 GT: Talking about names

Hi everyone! 
In our first unit, we're talking about names. Do you know that celebrities often give strange names to their children?

Here is the example of Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky.

They have named their baby after a continent. Do you like it? Would you like to have "a place name"? If yes, which one ? Paris ? Beaumont????

Do you think life is sometimes difficult when you have an original name? Watch this video: 
You can activate subtitles to help you ;)
What's the problem? Where does she come from?  Why is she so attached to her name?

Feel free to talk about your own names if you want!

I'm waiting for your comments! See you soon!

6 GT: You're gonna hear me roar!

Hi everyone! Did you like this activity?

Now that you've watched the music video,I'd like to know more about your interpretation of the lyrics. 

Please comment each other's ideas! 

I also want you to tell your opinion about the singer, her music, her videos, etc.

Feel free to post any other song, picture or music video which talks about that type of relationship. 

EVERYONE must take part in the discussion. 

Thank you guys! I can't wait to read your comments! (and don't forget, English only).

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

All gums addicts !

Please, GUMS ADDICTS, read this, especially first and 5th paragraphs.

Even if it's still not allowed in class, you now have solid arguments for chewing after lunch ;)