Thursday, 31 October 2013

4 GT: Jobs


Word count : min. 70 words

Hi boys and girls! Are you spending good hildays?

Here are my questions for you (they will be the base for in-class discussion and reading exercise)

What do you want to be later (job) ? Why (2 reasons)?
What don't you want to be (job) ? Why (2 reasons)?
A student's routine and your parents' routine: do they look like each other? Are they similar? Yes, no, why? What is similar/ different? (2 elements)

Watch out : write a short text, don't forget to include some connectors (then, first, later, but, because, finally,...)

 Good luck!
Don't forget, do it seriously extra mark is at stake !
And for the first who posts a comment ... 2 extra marks!

Photo Credit: <a href="">SalFalko</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>


  1. I would like to become architect because I like drawing and building. I don't want to become teacher because I don't like school and the teaching mode isn't so good. The students aren't all similar. Every student has its own character. Therefore no. The generation is similar. We like listening the same sort of music, we are born in the thechnology. We are born with euros and not with the ''franc''. Everybody have a GSM and can't live without.

  2. I want to be doctor because I like to help the others, and I like children.
    I don’t want to be cleaner because I don’t like to clean the grimes of the others, and this job gives back pain.

  3. Well done guys, your comments are quite good!
    Maxime, 2 extra marks, Heloïse, one :)

    Some mistakes:
    to be/ to become a doctor, an architect, a teacher...
    to listen TO

  4. Maxime, you don't say "gsm" in English. The correct word is "mobile phone".

  5. Hi, I would be journalist at the radio because I like speek but I''m little shy and when the people look when I speek I red. I don't want be an ingenieur because I'm a very shit with maths and I don't want be a vet because I don't have good feeling with dogs I prefer my goldfish :)
    I don't have the same routine as my parents. First They get up at 6 a.m and I get up at 7 a.m. Then we don't go to bed at the same uur.
    But we eat together because we are a family.
    Juliette 4C

  6. Good job Juliette! Pay attention, you made a few mistakes: would like TO be , to speak, want to, very bad at (not sh**), engineer, time ( not uur ).

  7. I don’t know to be later. I’m thinking. But I have still times. I don’t would work in an office. I need air.
    The parent’s routine and the student’s routine are a bit similar. First both have obligations. For example: parents work for feeding their family.
    Then everyone have works at home. Parents work either for food or for job. Students work for school. But students have “points” and parents have money. But students have more free time.
    Chloé 4A

  8. Well done Chloé ! Very interesting comparison between students and parents !
    *I don't know what I want to be
    *don't want to work
    *to feed (but)
    *everyone has
    * parents make dinner or work
    * marks (pas points)

  9. I would to be a writer (but it’s not really a job) so I would become a journalist because I like to write and I find that very interesting. I don’t want to be an engineer or a teacher of mathematics because I don’t like mathematics even if I have got good results (?). It’s not for me…
    My daily routine is not the same as my parents’ routine. First, my mother gets up at 5am and I wake me up at 7am. Then, she takes the train and I go to school by car. She works in Brussels and I go to school in Beaumont. We have lunch at 12.30pm. Finally, she finishes work at 4pm, me too but she must again take the train.

  10. Waw pauline, this is a nice text! You made some small mistakes
    * want to be A writer
    * want to be A journalist
    (good results or good marks, that's correct)
    *she must take the train again

    And don't forget ... the early bird :)
